Receive every question.
Provide every answer. makes it easy to host a Q&A session
- We issue a standard-rate phone number for questions to be sent by SMS
- Invite the audience at your event to send their questions to this number
- Organise all the questions on your mobile device as they arrive
- Optionally allow assistants (on additional devices) to filter, re-order and group questions in realtime
- Optionally have the current question shown on a projector that can display a webpage
- More questions can be gathered in a shorter space of time than a "raise your hand" Q&A
- Keep an archive of questions for analysis and insights
- No need for questions to be asked out loud, nor a mic-runner
- Questioners can remain anonymous as phone numbers are hidden
- With assistants moderating questions, you can concentrate on giving the best response

Sent questions

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